You can help Canadian families afford a safe and decent home.

Brianne and Brayden: A Story Of Hope

"You feel bad as a parent not being able to give your child what he needs... It just wears you out not being able to keep your kid safe."

Brianne's now 16-year-old-son, Brayden, was born with a rare genetic disorder and she has been taking care of his complex medical needs since he was an infant. Finding a home that was both affordable and could meet his needs was nearly impossible.

The small apartment unit of the old building they lived in meant constant worries for Brianne: what if there was a fire, an emergency, or an elevator broke? How would she get Brayden out safely? Their need for a safe and accessible place to live became more critical as time went by and Brayden has gotten too big for her to carry him up and down stairs without fear of dropping him.

Homes that are both affordable and accessible are few and far between. She did not know how she was going to provide a safe and stable home for her son.

Then the incredible gift of affording her own safe and accessible home became a reality – thanks to support from caring donors like you.

Brianne and Brayden were able to purchase their Habitat home where they can meet the unique challenges they face, find an improved quality of life, and greet each day with positivity and happiness.

At the start of this new year, we’re hoping you’ll give another family in need of a hand up the gift of an affordable and decent home.

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